Saturday 21 October 2023

In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie

In August my son and I had a jaunt up to Warhammer World to play some Middle Earth Strategy Game, gawp at the exhibition and gasp at GW's prices for Middle Earth minis. I've got a few unpainted dwarf miniatures lying around but I've never got around to finishing them off as a planned Khazad Dûm army. I had to do something fast, so I grabbed a Mordor Battlehost from my local game shop (Dice Saloon in Brighton) and got busy. Approximately 4 days later I had finished and they were ready to give Minas Tirith a good kicking. I went full slap-chop (orc-chop?) with black undercoat, frantic dry-brushing and contrast paint over the top. I chose Mordor precisely because they would be relatively fast to paint. And here they are below.


This blog has moved

 I've moved this blog to a different platform and it is now at . I hope to see you there :)